Sun 10th of Nov 2024 UTC
Age: 9 days old
Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Illumination: 68%
Distance: 366,541 km
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Universal Star Certificate
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*****Birthdays - Signs of the Zodiac*****
AQUARIUS (The Water Carrier) Jan 20th - Feb 18th
PISCES (The Fishes) Feb 19th - March 20th
ARIES (The Ram) March 21st - April 19th
TAURUS (The Bull) April 20th - May 20th
GEMINI (The Twins) May 21st - June 20th
CANCER (The Crab) June 21st - July 22nd
LEO (The Lion) July 23rd - August 22nd
VIRGO (The Maiden) Aug 23rd - Sept 22nd
LIBRA (The Scales) Sept 23rd - Oct 22nd
SCORPIO (The Scorpion) Oct 23rd - Nov 21st
SAGITTARIUS (The Archer) Nov 22nd - Dec 21st
CAPRICORN (The Water Goat) Dec 22nd - Jan 19th
ANDROMEDA (The Princess)
COMA BERENICES (Berenice's Hair)
CORONA BOREALIS (The Northern Crown)
CYGNUS (The Swan)
DELPHINUS (The Dolphin)
PERSEUS (The Hero)
AQUILA (The Eagle)
COLUMBA (The Dove)
CYGNUS (The Swan)
PEGASUS (The Winged Horse)
PHOENIX (The Multi-Coloured Bird)
SCUTUM (The Shield)
*****New Borns/Christenings*****
CYGNUS (The Swan)
EQUULEUS (The Little Horse)
GRUS (The Crane or Stork)
LEO MINOR (The Little Lion)
MONOCEROS (The Unicorn)
URSA MINOR (The Little Bear)
CRATER (The Cup)
CAELUM (The Sculptor's Chisel)
LYRA (The Lyre)
NORMA (The Carpenter's Square)
PICTOR (The Painter's Easel)
SCULPTOR (The Sculptor's Studio)
*****Animal Lovers*****
CANIS MINOR (The Little Dog)
EQUULEUS (The Little Horse)
LEPUS (The Hare)
LYNX (The Lynx)
Choose a constellation for your star from the list above. Have a look at our
Constellation Guide
(opens in new window) to help you decide or, if you prefer we will choose one for you.
Star Date
Choose a date for your certificate. This can be the date of a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary or a memorandum for a loved one and will be printed on your certificate.
Star Name
Choose a name for your star such as a nickname or term of endearment. Try to be imaginative, instead of "Jane's Star" or "Joe's Star" try "Forever Jane" or "My Hero". (35 characters maximum). Read our Terms & Conditions.
Here you can write a short meaningful message for the recipient, this will be printed on the certificate. e.g. "This star has been so named for John Jones on this Valentine's Day by his loving wife Jane"
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