Wed 22nd of Jan 2025 UTC Moon Phase Widget
Age: 22 days old
Phase: Last Quarter
Illumination: 48%
Distance: 405,047 km
We have compiled this guide to help you choose a constellation for your Star Gift Set

There are 88 constellations that make up the celestial sphere. Each constellation represent a segment of the sphere. Below are some suggestions we have made to represent particular events though you may find that some of these constellations represent a more personal meaning than we have suggested.

We have also divided the constellations by location and time of year when best viewed. Some constellations can only be seen in the southern hemisphere – all areas of the earth below the equator. The United Kingdom, Europe, Asia and North America are all in the northern hemisphere and South America, Australia and New Zealand are all in the southern hemisphere. Many constellations can be seen in both hemispheres depending on the time of year.

If you need help deciding which constellation to choose for your Star Gift Set, just call or email us and we will be happy to help.

Birthdays – Signs of the Zodiac
AQUARIUS (The Water Carrier) Jan 20th – Feb 18th
PISCES (The Fishes) Feb 19th – March 20th
ARIES (The Ram) March 21st – April 19th
TAURUS (The Bull) April 20th – May 20th
GEMINI (The Twins) May 21st – June 20th
CANCER (The Crab) June 21st – July 22nd
LEO (The Lion) July 23rd – August 22nd
VIRGO (The Maiden) Aug 23rd – Sept 22nd
LIBRA (The Scales) Sept 23rd – Oct 22nd
SCORPIO (The Scorpion) Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
SAGITTARIUS (The Archer) Nov 23rd – Dec 21st
CAPRICORN (The Water Goat) Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
ANDROMEDA (The Princess)
COMA BERENICES (Berenice’s Hair)
CORONA BOREALIS (The Northern Crown)
CYGNUS (The Swan)
DELPHINUS (The Dolphin)
PERSEUS (The Hero)
AQUILA (The Eagle)
COLUMBA (The Dove)
CYGNUS (The Swan)
PEGASUS (The Winged Horse)
PHOENIX (The Multi-Coloured Bird)
SCUTUM (The Shield)
New Borns/Christenings
CYGNUS (The Swan)
EQUULEUS (The Little Horse)
GRUS (The Crane or Stork)
LEO MINOR (The Little Lion)
MONOCEROS (The Unicorn)
URSA MINOR (The Little Bear)
CRATER (The Cup)
CAELUM (The Sculptor’s Chisel)
LYRA (The Lyre)
NORMA (The Carpenter’s Square)
PICTOR (The Painter’s Easel)
SCULPTOR (The Sculptor’s Studio)
Animal Lovers
CANIS MINOR (The Little Dog)
EQUULEUS (The Little Horse)
LEPUS (The Hare)
LYNX (The Lynx)
North Polar Constellations (northern hemisphere all year round)
CEPHEUS (The King)
DRACO (The Dragon)
URSA MAJOR (The Great Bear)
URSA MINOR (The Little Bear)
Northern Hemisphere Spring – Southern Hemisphere – Autumn
ANTILIA (The Air Pump)
BOÖTES (The Herdsman)
CANES VENATICI (The Hunting Dogs)
CENTAURUS (The Centaur)
COMA BERENICES (Berenice’s Hair)
CORVUS (The Crow)
CRATER (The Cup)
HYDRA (The Sea Serpent)
LEO MINOR (The Little Lion)
LUPUS (The Wolf)
LYNX (The Lynx)
PYXIS (The Mariner’s Compass)
SEXTANS (The Sextant)
Northern Hemisphere Summer – Southern Hemisphere – Winter
AQUILA (The Eagle)
ARA (The Altar)
CORONA AUSTRALIS (The Southern Crown)
CORONA BOREALIS (The Northern Crown)
CYGNUS (The Swan)
DELPHINUS (The Dolphin)
EQUULEUS (The Little Horse)
INDUS (The Indian)
LYRA (The Lyre)
MICROSCOPIUM (The Microscope)
OPHIUCHUS (The Serpent Bearer)
SCUTUM (The Shield)
SERPENS (The Serpent)
SAGITTA (The Arrow)
TELESCOPIUM (The Telescope)
Northern Hemisphere Autumn – Southern Hemisphere – Spring
ANDROMEDA (The Princess)
CETUS (The Whale)
GRUS (The Crane or Stork)
LACERTA (The Lizard)
PEGASUS (The Winged Horse)
PERSEUS (The Hero)
PHOENIX (The Multi-Coloured Bird)
PISCIS AUSTRINUS (The Southern Fish)
SCULPTOR (The Sculptor’s Studio)
TRIANGULUM (TheTriangle)
Northern Hemisphere Winter – Southern Hemisphere – Summer
AURIGA (The Charioteer)
CAELUM (The Sculptor’s Chisel)
CANIS MINOR (The Little Dog)
CARINA (The Keel)
COLUMBA (The Dove)
ERIDANUS (The River)
FORNAX (The Furnace)
HOROLOGIUM (The Pendulum Clock)
LEPUS (The Hare)
MONOCEROS (The Unicorn)
ORION (The Hunter)
PICTOR (The Painter’s Easel)
PUPIS (The Stern)
VELA (The Sails)
South Polar Constellations (southern hemisphere all year round)
APUS (The Bird of Paradise)
CHAMAELEON (The Chameleon)
CIRCINUS (The Compasses)
CRUX (The Southern Cross)
DORADO (The Goldfish or Swordfish)
HYDRUS (The Water Serpent)
MENSA (The Table Mountain)
MUSCA (The Fly)
NORMA (The Carpenter`s Square)
OCTANS (The Octant)
PAVO (The Peacock)
TUCANA (The Toucan)
VOLANS (The Flying Fish)